With Christmas upon us, let us rejoice for good news has come to all mankind! Other peoples photos remind us that there is not right, or wrong way to observe the holidays. That holiday was when J. Edgar Hoover dropped in at the Tolson's for reflection, and maybe a cup of Christmas cheer. Remember that holiday when the patio umbrella went missing and when your mom went next do to the Livermore's house to ask if they had seen it, but the Livermore's just kept mum about the patio umbrella, that had yellow fringe just like the Livermore's artificial tree had that year. Cousin Calliope never drank, except the egg nog on Christmas Eve, and sing songs around the Christmas tree? Remember that year when it had more Nog than other years, and Calliope was the Christmas tree? Neither does Calliope. Those tortured Christmas Eve's with Uncle Buster and Aunt Billie. He smelled like Winston cigarettes and she smelled like Jim Beam. Those Christmas' with your ex...
SOURCE: Cleveland Plain Dealer Online Cookie used to love reading the newspaper. It set my world straight for the day. When we moved from the Eastern Seaboard to the Midwest, it was a bit of a jolt. Alas, The Cleveland Plain Dealer which used to be a very fine paper is now no longer just that. Instead of yesterday's news, the next morning, now the news that they claim is content can be from two days ago to two months ago. The breaking content is minimal. This probably is from their TV listing feed - something they don't have anything to do with. In the publishing world, when I used to write romance novels in the early 80s, we used to refer to a certain type of padding as "Fuckie Fudging". Lots of ooooooh's and ahhhhh's to up the word count on seducing (not sex, seduction) scenes. Well, isn't this an example of a type of Fuckie Fudging?