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TV in Grumblat, Ohio: Friday Mystery Movie, McGuffin


  1. Warn a person will ya? ! I would've peed before reading instead of during!

  2. hee hee hee! at least you left monte markham alone. whatever happened to him; he seemed to be in every damn 70s tv show.

    1. He's still alive and kicking. I thought he had died years ago. Love his voice. I figured that I watched way too much t.v. as a young person . How else would I have known that "Sweely Stout" is actually Lonny Chapman? Who knows this crap and admits it? Me, obviously.

    2. Monty HAD to be in this. He was in everything else.

  3. I used to have a wee queerling crush on Monte Markham!

  4. Here's a bit of trivia: Lois Nettleton, was married to Jean Shepherd - of A Christmas Story fame!


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