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Playing Dolls, Part II: Brad

So yesterday it was about Ken, today it is about Brad.  And Brad has it all going on.  Yeah, he is Christie's boyfriend, but he would also look mighty fine with Barbie.  And unlike Ken who never says a word, BRAD is a chatterbox.  "I talk." and, "I say many things."  Evidently, Brad was educated at Oxford because he also does not use contractions.


  1. Replies
    1. Well find one and pull his string. He Talks. And he does not use contractions.

  2. Who the bleep is Brad?! Most importantly, was his lack of bulge bigger than Ken's? Also, who the bleep is Christie?

    1. Christie was "Black Barbie". Then when they started making Barbie in many colors, Christie was laid off.

      Remember, in Barbie Land, there is no multiverse, while being a multiverse.

  3. Are you sure that's not Isaac from The Love Boat????


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